CfP Colloquium 2019

Call for Participation for the 10th NapoKo-Colloquium from 27 to 29 November 2019 in Vienna. #napoko19
The Department of Communication (University of Vienna) and the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (Austrian Academy of Sciences) invite you.
We are looking for early career researchers and practitioners in the field of political communication to present their completed or ongoing research or project and discuss them with senior academics and practitioners.
Please find the detailed Call for Participation here.
How can you take part in the colloquium?
There is no set theme. You can submit your ideas on any topic which deals with political communication research. In a practice panel, participants from political consultancies or political parties can also present their projects and put them up for scientific discussion. Did we catch your interest? Then summarize your thesis (dissertation, master‘s, bachelor‘s) or project in an extended abstract and send it by September 15th 2019 to: (800 to 1000 words max., excluding references, figures and tables).
What should you bear in mind when submitting your abstract?
Describe the basics and the (planned) methodological approach as well as hypotheses and (preliminary) results as precisely as possible. Attach a separate cover page with the presentation ´s title, type of project (BA, MA, PhD, etc.), the presenter´s name, institutional affiliation, contact details and, if applicable, the project supervisor(s). Be sure to remove any information about the author from the text document and the metadata. This allows us to check your submission anonymously.
Who are the respondents?
Feedback awaits you from Dr. Oliver Gruber (Department of Education Policy of the Vienna Chamber of Labour), Prof. Sylvia Kritzinger (University of Vienna), Prof. Sophie Lecheler (University of Vienna), DDr. Gabriele Melischek (Austrian Academy of Sciences/Universität Klagenfurt), Dr. Christina Peter (LMU Munich), Prof. Carsten Reinemann (LMU Munich) and others.
- What? 10th Napoko-Colloquium
- Where? Vienna
- When? 27 to 29 November 2019
- Deadline for CfP: 15 September 2019
- Decision on acceptance: Mid-October 2019
- Submission of Extended Abstract: 15 November 2019
What is the NapoKo colloquium?
The colloquium is aimed at early career researchers and practitioners in the field of political communication. Those who want to present their completed or ongoing research or project and discuss them with senior academics and practitioners.
How does the colloquium work?
The focus is on your research or project, which will be presented in a 15 to 20 minute presentation. After which you will then get constructive feedback and suggestions in a 30 minute discussion initiated by the respondent. Your presentations will be grouped into sessions by theme and will be scheduled for Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday evening there will be a get-together for getting to know each other and exchanging ideas.